7 Absolutes

Why What You Believe Matters

Whether as a parent, a grandparent or a teacher, what we teach or fail to teach the next generations matters. The tragedy of Judges 2 is that within two generations, the truth about the Lord and all that He had done for Israel was forgotten. We may find that difficult to imagine, but a quick look at history reveals the two-generation departure is very common when it comes to the sharing of faith generation to generation.

Let’s not let that happen on our watch! 

7 Absolutes gives you a biblical world view to equip you in your faith as effective messengers of the Gospel for your grandchildren.


Table of Contents

PREFACE: What We Believe Matters

ABSOLUTE #1: God Is and Created All that Exists

ABSOLUTE #2: Something Is Wrong with the World

ABSOLUTE #3: We Are Mortals with Limitations

ABSOLUTE #4: Every Person is a Worshiper and Longs for Meaning

ABSOLUTE #5: Man is Powerless to Save Himself

ABSOLUTE #6: Only God Can Remedy Man’s Predicament

ABSOLUTE #7: The Salvation Gift is More Than a Ticket to Heaven

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