Building Strong Inter-Generational Connections
Generations is my attempt to address those things in life that can either divide us or unite us generation to generation. The truth is the we need one another, and it’s time to focus on those things we have in common rather than focusing on what is different about us.
Ahead of Their Time
How one family decided to take action.
It’s Just A Different Generation
The generation gap so much discussed in the 60’s is still alive and well. I often hear stereotypical comments from both younger and older adult generations. For example, it’s common to hear someone from an older generation say, “The younger generation is so...
Can Your Mess Be Your Message?
Like Moses, I have said to the Lord, “Who am I, Lord, that I should challenge others to follow You and disciple the next generations? After all, look at me. There’s so much messy stuff in my life. Maybe You should choose someone else who is better qualified.” Have you...
An Example for Building an Inter-Gen Family Culture
Gwen Colfer of Grand Junction, Colorado shared this story of how several families took intentional...
Let’s Mix Up the Sacred Spaces
I was impressed to see the large number of college students sitting in the church I was speaking...
Do You Wish You Could Have a Healthy Family?
There is a lot of talk today about healthy living – eating healthy, healthy exercise, keeping your...
Does Your Theology Intersect with Reality?
I just spent an amazing weekend with more than 300 men and some very special friends at a men’s...
Part 2: Four Patterns for Restoring an Inter-Gen Culture
Rob Rienow, founder of Visionary Family, believes God’s original design was for the family to be a...
Four Patterns for Restoring An Inter-Gen Culture
When Chad was dismissed from the table (see my previous post) because he wasn’t viewed as an...