ElderQuest Ministries

ElderQuest Ministries is a Colorado non-profit organization and exempt as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your support is important to us and we appreciate your use of the Donate button in the menu you see on the left.



To revitalize and equip the church and families for biblical inter-generational discipleship.

What does this mean?

  • Revitalize = restore the vitality and purpose of ministry to families that is built upon Scripture principle rather than cultural trends.
  • Equip = provide resources and training to enable ministry leaders and family leaders to do what God has called them to do.
  • Biblical inter-generational discipleship = one generation telling another. (See VISION below).


To witness millions of children, youth and young adults throughout the world following Christ because thousands of families are engaged in intentional biblical discipleship.

Biblical Inter-Generational Discipleship Involves…

  1. Sharing a clear understanding of what the Gospel is, why it is good news, and how it shapes our worldview that determines how we live.
  2. Teaching and training another generation what it means to wholeheartedly know, love and serve Christ with grace through faith in Christ.
  3. A commitment to God’s mandate to tell every generation the praiseworthy deeds of God and to make disciples (followers of Christ).
  4. A Spirit-filled response to the urgent need to restore a commitment to Scriptural truth and obedience to Christ (biblical worldview/walking in the truth).


  1. Engage 250 churches by 2025 with an Inter-Generational Revitalization plan to motivate and equip God’s people in effectively generation to generation discipleship.
  2. Partner with ministries like 4Gens, Renewanation, CGN, Family Builders, and OneHundredYears to provide necessary resources and tools.
  3. Provide online and in-person training centers for family ministry leaders and family influencers that equip them to strengthen and empower effective in inter-generational discipleship throughout the Body of Christ.
Core Values

In concert with our Mission, these values serve as the foundation to guide our actions and decisions for everything we do as a ministry, with Core Value #1 being the basis for all succeeding Core Values listed.


We are committed first and foremost to the authority of God’s Word as the source of all absolute truth.


Our mission is to lead current and future generations into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord because the ultimate purpose and meaning of life is found in knowing, glorifying and enjoying God in this life and eternity.


We will not pretend to be what we are not, will always speak and act out of what we know to be true, will admit what we do not know, and will acknowledge the work of God’s hand by grace in all we do. Grace means we engage with all people as Christ would fulfilling the law of love (“love as I have loved you”).


We are committed to efficiency and integrity in the use of all resources God places at our disposal to carry out His mandate and purpose for this ministry. Success is not measured by how much we gain, or how big we get, but how diligently we use what we have been given according to His purposes and for His glory.


As creatures made in God’s image, we will not allow ourselves to be stuck in a rut, become self-contented, or settle for less than our best, but will seek continually to utilize all the creative skills God has measured to us in this cause for His glory.


We believe God ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. Family is composed of persons related to one another by marriage, blood or adoption. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a life-long covenant and sexual intimacy, which belongs only within the marital relationship of a man and a woman. This was the design established by God at creation.


We value prayer as the birthplace of ministry (Acts 1:14) and the means with which God, in conjunction with His Word, steers all of our endeavors.

Statement of Faith

We believe these truths to be absolute and the basis for our ministry and practice….

  1. The Bible, as the God-breathed and true Word of Almighty God, is our supreme and final authority in faith, ministry, marriage, ethics, morality, sexuality, justice and daily living, irrespective of cultural, philosophical or ‘politically correct’ trends of the day.
  2. There is one Triune God who exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (who is Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus Christ is deity, born of a virgin, fully human and fully divine. As a sinless sacrifice, He died on the Cross to atone for the sins of man through His shed blood. He was buried, rose from the grave on the third day, ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father and intercede for the saints. He will return in power and glory to gather His saints and judge the living and the dead.
  4. Every person is born with a sinful nature, is spiritually dead, and cannot please God except by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross. Through faith and repentance, one receives pardon from sin, becomes a redeemed child of God, is no longer a slave to sin, is called to righteousness, and is promised an eternal inheritance of everlasting life.
  5. There will be a resurrection of the dead: those who have been saved to eternal life with the Father in Heaven, and those who are condemned to eternal damnation and separation from God in Hell.
  6. The true Church of Jesus Christ is composed of all who have by faith trusted Jesus Christ as Savior, received the gift of eternal life, and are walking as obedient followers of Christ. Jesus Christ alone is the Head of His Church, and under His Lordship, the Body is built up as each one does its part in love and unity for the common good.

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