Elderquest Ministry Projects

ElderQuest Ministries is a non-profit dedicated to calling the Church of Jesus Christ to a renewed commitment to operating as a biblical age-integrated expression of the family of God. We provide three major ministry areas of church-related services (listed below) in partnership with several other key ministries.

ElderQuest also offers our signature Courageous Grandparenting Seminars (find more under the Seminar tab). In addition, we seek to help churches and families address the growing reality of grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Our Rachel Project listed below explains more about this growing need in our world.

AI (Age Integrated) SUMMITS


It is my belief, based upon observation and conversations with church leaders, that many, if not most, churches in North America believe that because they are multi-generational in composition, they are also “inter-generational”. I believe that is a myth not substantiated by honest assessment of what is really going on in our congregations. 

It is our desire to begin conversations with church ministry leaders and influencers, both young and old, to examine how we might be able to work together to create a more age-integrated model of the family of God. The AI Summits are designed to explore what obstacles exist towards achieving a truly biblical age-integrated (AI) environment, discuss ways to overcome those obstacles, and examine steps that can be taken to begin to reclaim and restore a truly biblical expression of the body of Christ in which every part is working together to build unity and grow together toward full maturity in Christ. The Church is Christ’s Body, and in that body no part has the right to say to another, “I have no need of you.” AI Summits work towards the objective of truly doing life together for the glory of God and the good of all. 

CLICK HERE or cal 719-649-6778 to inquire about hosting an AI Summit in your area.



The GSF Conference is a specific gathering, primarily in concert with a local church or group of churches, designed to strengthen the family unit as we address three key elements of family according to God’s Word:


  1. Parenting: How ought the Gospel to shape our parenting both in how we view our role as parents, and how we put into practice the biblical teaching about how to parent well.
  2. Grandparenting: The Bible has just as much to say about grandparenting as it does parenting. What is the role of a grandparent, and how can both parents and grandparents effectively work together to build a legacy of faith that will impact another generation?
  3. Marriage: Marriage is the foundation for building a strong family and modeling Christ’s love for us. How ought the Gospel shape what our marriages can be? What does God’s Word say about marriage, and how does that compare to what the world’s messages say?

If you would like more information about hosting a Gospel Shaped Family conference in your church, please email Jere Vincent at jere@familybuilders.net or call (602) 442-5800.



ElderQuest works closely with the ministry partners listed below that are committed to building a legacy of faith through inter-generational strategies that help the local church equip and strengthen the body of Christ with biblical perspectives and tools for building up that body. We are committed to raising up strong biological families to disciple their children and their children’s children to walk in the truth. We are also passionate about helping the local church discover and implement age-integrated strategies that produce effective generation to generation discipleship in the family of God.

All of our ministry partners listed below offer powerful, biblical opportunities for strengthening the body of Christ in your local church in a variety of ways. We also work together in events such as Gospel Shaped Family Conferences and other venues. For more information, click on a ministry below to find out more about each can offer you and your congregation.

Christian Grandparenting Network
Family Builders
Walking Like Jesus Ministries
A Chosen Generation
Bold Destiny/Legacy of Faith


Grandparents Parenting Grandchildren


The RACHEL PROJECT is named after Rachel Mahnke who had the courage to stand up and make her church aware of the existence of families like hers that are part of a growing demographic of grandparents now parenting their own grandchildren. The RACHEL PROJECT is our commitment advocate for more among the churches of our nation, and to create resources and tools to effectively support and build up these families who are largely invisible or ignored in most congregations.

Funding for this Project revolves around four vital areas:

  1. Recruiting and training committed volunteers
  2. Helping the local church build awareness strategies in the congregation and community.
  3. Resource development for families and church leaders.
  4. Staffing oversight and implementation.

To learn more about the Rachel Project and how you can partner with us, please CLICK HERE.

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