Take The Six Pack Challenge

by | Jan 11, 2014 | 2 comments

If you were to talk to most people on the street today, would they say the ‘generation gap’ has grown smaller or bigger? It is fascinating that we have so much talk about tolerance and working together in our world, but very little inter-generational living occurs. Musical tastes, political views, fashion preferences, and social issues separate us more than ever before.

SIX PACKSWhat would happen if individuals from all the generations assembled regularly to actually do life together and learn from each other?

That was a challenge a good friend of mine, John Coulombe, put before several ministry leaders recently. I have decided to try it myself with a group of five other men. I’m passing the Six Pack Challenge on to you. So, what’s a Six Pack? I’m glad you asked.

A Six Pack is six men from six generations (Yes, SIX…read on) meeting together for six weeks to take up six activity challenges as part of a training process for godliness and service to the glory of God. Here’s how it breaks down:

Six men from six generations:

  • Two young men—one a teenager, the other in his twenties
  • Two middle-aged men—one in his thirties; one in his forties or early fifties
  • Two elders—one young elder under 65; a master elder over 65
    (Note: Yes, women can do this too, but you might want to call it something other than Six Packs. Let me know if you come up with a good name. I am also working on a similar effort with couples called Take Six—six couples, two from each of the age groups mentioned above.)

Six weeks/six challenges:

  • The six week (or six sessions) commitment doesn’t leave it open ended and gives everyone a point of closure if the group is not working out as hoped. It also keeps your goal focused and prevents turning it into something else entirely. You can do whatever you want after the six weeks, but everyone knows what is expected for this six-week commitment.
  • The Challenges: These challenges can be done individually or as a group, but accountability is key. You are expected to report back to the group for individual actions. At least one challenge is to be done as a group.
    1. Doing Good: Being rich in good deeds
    2. Giving: Generosity that costs something
    3. Serving: Stepping out of your comfort zone to meet a need
    4. Righteousness: Taking a stand for what is just and right
    5. Hospitable: Selfless sharing without prejudice
    6. Peacemaker: Pursuing reconciliation and healing

Will you take the challenge? I’d like to know who’s willing to take the challenge to organize a Six Pack (or Take Six) and doing this inter-generational experiment. If you’re up to taking the challenge, let me know and I’ll send you a more detailed outline of what you need to do to get your Six Pack or Take Six group up and going.

Written by Cavin Harper

A graduate of Baylor University and Denver Seminary, Cavin Harper served as an associate pastor for 17 years before founding ElderQuest Ministries which later became known as the Christian Grandparenting Network. He writes a weekly blog on grandparenting and has authored several books including Courageous Grandparenting: Building a Legacy Worth Outliving You.



  1. Roger Willis

    I would be interested in knowing more about your Six Pack

    • Cavin Harper

      Roger, it has been several years since we did this. We gathered 3 generations of men (2 from each generation) and met monthly to talk about issues that were relevant to walking in God’s truth in a world that seemed almost hostile to that truth. There are a couple of ways you can go: 1) Just find three generations of men in your church or another venue and invite them to a three month trial; or 2) you could look for a family of three generations, or two families and see if they would be willing to do a three month run at it.

      To be honest, we had trouble keeping it going mostly because of scheduling issues. I am getting ready to make another stab at it by doing it virtually with some guys this Fall. I’d encourage you to see what you can do as well. I’d love to hear how it goes for you. Thanks for asking. Cavin


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